31 March 2010

Motivation. Or lack thereof.

I didn't go to the gym today. I am a terrible, terrible outdoor girl. Instead of killing myself on the ab coaster with my slightly muscle-head boyfriend (more on him later), I went to the mall with some of the lovely ladies in my family. And two of the cutest baby girls ever. Not even kidding. While this excursion was infinitely more fun, I am now sitting on my bed amid stuffed animals, cook books, and my pink DS, feeling completely, completely guilty. I need some motivation. I've never really been great (or even mediocre) at motivating myself. Maybe I need to tape some pictures of some skinnies to my fridge or something. I need help. What motivates you to excercise?

On the plus side, I did get some really great peep toes. They're yellow and awesome.


  1. You should have a roommate who makes you walk with her...oh wait--you had one of those! :) haha

    I have no tips for motivation....I used to work out 2 hours a day....I havent done that since freshman year--so I will be no help now! If I figure out motivation, Ill let you know!

  2. Maybe I'll come back to Lee next year and you can force me to walk again. We can get motivated together! Miss you!
    But for real. I might end up back at Lee.
